Something Yummy - Quest Nutrition Chips

Thank you Quest and Dodsons! Stopping into my local neighborhood health food store (Dodsons)  I found they are starting to stock the Quest Protein Chips. Needing to increase my protein intake so I'm not feeling so hungry in the evenings and not cheating so bad with out feeling guilty about it I picked up a couple bags to try. Next day when I was starting to get hungry I was able to pop these out with a bottle of water and was very satisfied for the rest of the day. They have about 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of carbs so pretty freaking good for a chip. The flavors range from Barb Q, Cheddar and Sour Cream, Salt & Vinegar, and sour cream & onion. The all taste pretty good for a health food and they make a nice edition to my lunch bag.

Where to Buy: Amazon 


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