The Make Over

So I wanted to give an update on my current weight. As I posted I have been struggling with weight loss for a long time. Starting at 315 I'm not down to 254. YAY! I had the extreme pleasure or wearing an old favorite shirt then I have not been able to wear for the last 15 years. I keep that shirt around cause it was the shirt I bought at Philmont Scout Ranch the first time I have ever been. So the shirt has special meaning to me. I promised myself I would never get rid of that shirt. I had always thought about mounting it on the way with my Philmont Patches, photos and items I had collect from that experience. As it made a very big impression in my life when I was growing up.

 Least to say I am very pleased.  I didn't make the goal I had set up of 240 by New Years however I am still very please as I know I have most more fat as I have put on a lot of muscle that can account for as I have lost 5 pant sizes currently. The target weight is 185 if I can manage it or even 190. I would be really nice to get down to 8 or 9 percent body fat. Currently I'm going to the gym to lift 5 times a week. And doing 3 days of cardio on the  recumbent exercise bike. I have been thinking about adding some of T25 I had start off with now that my weight is down and I think I would be more comfortable performing the routine now.  So the next update will be in a week or two till then "Animate your life."


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